Who we are available for

Therapists at FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy work with children who experience difficulty in a range of areas.

Sensory Processing Difficulties Fundamentals Occupational Therapy

Children who have sensory processing difficulties may find it difficult to take in and work with the sensory information in their environment.

Some indicators include:

•   Overwhelmed or underwhelmed by noise, movement, touch, visual input, smells or tastes
•   Seeking extra sensory stimulation
•   Appearing clumsy or uncoordinated
•   Having difficulty with daily routines, play or school activities


FUNdamentals OT assist children with Austism spectrum disorder or Asperger's syndrome

Children with a diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder are able to access funding through the WA NDIS.

Support for your child with autism may assist in:

– Reducing the impact of poor sensory processing
– Diminishing anxiety
– Developing social awareness and social skills
– Increasing fine and gross motor control

FUNdamentals OT can assist children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Attention and concentration are key components to success in school.
Children with a diagnosis of ADHD will benefit from movement-based activities and cognitive strategies to help develop strategies to attend and concentrate in school and at home.

FUNdamentals OT can assist children with Dysgraphia

Dysgraphia can appear as difficulties in spelling, handwriting and putting ideas on paper.

Programs targeting fine motor skills and handwriting skills are key to remediating dysgraphia. An academic literacy screening may help to identify the underlying cause of your child’s difficulties.


Developmental Delays

 Support your child’s fine and gross motor skills with Occupational Therapy.

FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy is an occupational & speech therapy service located in Byford WA. It supports children aged 4-12.

Monday – Friday |  8.00am -5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday | Closed

806 South Western Hwy, Byford 6122
M: 0432 845 399
E: elaine@fundamentalsot.com.au

FUNdamentals OT offers clinic-based services in a home setting. Therapists are passionate about developing the whole child through intervention and education. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend and participate in sessions.

Copyright © 2020 FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy. All rights reserved